GSM module ADH8066 with Evaluation Board doest not respond


I just bought

[ADH8066 Evaluation Board and

[ADH8066 GSM Module

put them together, connected to the PC, held the ONKEY for 2 seconds, wrote a small sersial port message sending program, but all I see is the TX led going on and off as I perform the command sending.

Nothing else happens. Nor the RX led indicates nor the program catches a responce.

Here is what I do (C#):

SerialPort sp = new SerialPort(“COM4”, 115200,Parity.None,8,StopBits.One);





Can anybody help me, please?](](

After I hold the ONKEY, the device turnes on, as

GPIO10 = 2.7V

but the GPIO3 = 0

You normally need to send multiple AT’s. Takes the module a couple of seconds to init itself and start listening. Also, the first AT is often used to autodetect the UART speed.

Thank you for your reply, thoght I found problems with the FDTI chip’s soldering. Sent photos to SPE, and they sent me another board, whitch should work fine.