ADIN1110 SPE Function Board prevents booting ESP32 processor board

I am working with the ADIN1110 based Single Pair Ethernet kit and one of the function boards appears to be non-functional.

I have 2 carrier boards and 2 ESP32 processor boards, and both work and boot with one ADIN1110 function board, but the other board causes the ESP32 to fail with:

invalid header: 0xffffffff

From this, it appears that one of my function boards is non-functional is some way.

Is there any other troubleshooting I can do to attempt to fix this board?

Does it throw an error if you use the Artemis MicroMod processor? It should be included in the kit too

The Artemis processor works with both SPE modules, but the ESP32 only works with a single one of them.

They both look identical, and I was hoping to use an ESP32 on both sides of my project, but this lets me get one side working at least.