Adruino and Wireless Capabilities

Hello everyone,

I am looking to add wireless capabilities to Adruino Due. I aim to send digital sounds (short recorded sentences or just sounds) to car speakers via Bluetooth (RN-52) and to cell phones (Cellular Shield with SM5100B). I have a few questions please:

  1. Do my hardware choices seem reasonable?

  2. Can Adruino Due store sounds and send them to the Bluetooth module and wireless shield? If so, what kind of sounds and how do I do that?

  3. How do the bluettoth module and wireless shield interact with the MCU? Is that a data connection? Are there libraries that can be incorporated into the MCU code?


I suggest you do some research on connecting a cell and a car to bluetooth with a regular Arduino. Then, see what you need to port the code over to the DUE. The Arduino forums has a dedicated forum just for the DUE.