Aduino Hexapod Project


I am pretty much brand new to Arduino, but I use Processing for some of my computer control projects for Picaxe. However, I am going over to the dark side because I like C, and hate the Picaxe Pbasic whatever.

Anyway, I’m going to work with a teacher of mine on a lynxmotion AH3-R or BH3-R, depending on my budget.

I was wondering what Arduino boards would be able to effectively control 18 servos (I think it might be the Mega2560 I’m gonna have to use, right?). Or should I use a servo controller and an uno? I have zip experience with servo controllers though… Advice on the code for a ripple gait would be much appreciated. :slight_smile:

P.s. This is a bit of a side note… I plan on controlling the robot from my PC, which I can handle… But getting video wirelessly to my PC… No idea.

I’ve looked through the forums for things like this, but couldn’t really get a straight answer out of it all… Links to guides, stuff like that would help too :slight_smile:

Thanks in advance!

You need PWM outputs with the Arduino to control servos. The Mega only provides 14.

The Pololu [Maestro series would work well for your project. It would interface with your Arduino via serial. It also allows you to pre-program it for things like setting the max speed or acceleration of each servo.](Pololu - Mini Maestro 18-Channel USB Servo Controller (Partial Kit))

So I do need a servo controller? Ah ok… So could I save the $65 on the mega and get an Uno?


I suggest you take a look at [this and [this.

Eric](TLC 5940 - PWM Driver - COM-10136 - SparkFun Electronics)](MondoMatrix - ServoMatrix - DEV-09971 - SparkFun Electronics)

These seem to be up my alley… I am wondering about the SSC-32 servo controller, though… apparently it comes with it.


Thanks for the tip about the PWM driver- I just bought one! I am thinking about using the servo controller the ah3-r or bh3-r comes with though.

I could do with some code still…