Advanced C++ course?

Back in the day I tutored C++, went on to various jobs writing it, was even sent back to school after using C++ for about 12 years to learn more advanced aspects of it. However, sad part is that was all about 14 years ago now. I’m trying to get caught up again so I can start writing it. I’m having some difficulty reading the code out there. There seems to be a lot of use of various classifications / definitions such as: namespaces, virtual, and a tremendous amount of code reuse.

When I wrote I’d have to read datasheets to establish hardware / software interfaces. Seems most all of those are written now but I’ll be darned if I can make sense of them because of all this syntax I either forgot or am unfamiliar with.

Long story short, I’m trying to find a C++ course that covers the more advanced topics and not just how to write a basic class. I’ve been researching each little topic I’m unfamiliar with but really need an overview showing them in action w/ coding examples literally like a course Anybody know of one? Thanks!

If you have a local college/community college nearby they might have computer lab office hours where someone might be able to give some more pointed advice…or even offer help/tutoring or something

Or poke around something like or and see if they have a course that might suit ya

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I should have searched for longer. I found this tutorial linked below:

It got me to point where I can read and understand the code now. Need to wrap my head around virtual, overload, protected, and namespaces a bit more. I don’t have a lot of experience with them but see they’re quite extensively used in some of these open source libraries.