ADXL335 - how to get a sampling rate of 1000Hz?


I am currently working on a project where I am using the SparkFun ADXL335’s to measure acceleration data. For the project I would like to have a sampling rate of 1000Hz, which means that I would like to take 1000 samples a second. The bandwidth of the ADXL335 is set to the standard 50Hz with the 0.1uF capacitors on the XYZ outputs. However, in the datasheet I read something about changing capacitors to get other bandwidths. Do I need to replace the existing capacitors to 0.01uF ones to get a bandwidth of 500Hz and to be able to reach the 1000Hz sampling rate ? (bandwidth = 0.5*fs). Or is there another way to get 1000 Hz as sampling rate?

Really looking forward to hear your thoughts on the matter. I already appreciate your time!

Kind regards, Valerie

Hi Valerie.

Yes, you would need to remove the existing capacitors from the board and replace them with new lower value capacitors. Page 11 on the [data sheet has the details on what size capacitors to use.

The attached photo shows the locations of the three capacitors that would need changing.
