ADXL362 (SEN-11446) Problems

I’m having trouble getting the ADXL362 breakout board working.

I’m trying to connect a PIC16LF18426 to it without success.

I am a fairly accomplished electrical engineer with a good bit of embedded experience. This is really stumping me.

I have confirmed that I am sending CS, CLK, and MOSI signals as expected.

I have scoped the signals and confirmed that they are being sent as expected and required by the ADXL datasheet.

CS is active low and must be toggled for each separate command.

I have confirmed that I have connected to the correct pins on the ADXL breakout board.

This is the only device on the SPI bus - no bus sharing.

When I scope the MISO pin on the ADXL it does not appear to be functioning as expected.

It appears to have noise from the CLK and MOSI lines. It has small voltage steps (< 1v) with the clock and will ‘drift’ in the direction of MOSI.

Never have I seen it ‘controlled’ from the ADXL, even when it is connected to nothing else except the o-scope.

I have been very careful to only run the circuit on 3.3v.

I have 3 ADXL362 breakout boards, all did not work.

If the ADXL never receives a proper ‘command’ will it always float the MISO line?

I believe I am sending the right commands, but I can never get a response.

This device is fairly simple, it doesn’t seem complicated at all.

I must just be missing something, or there must be some ‘hidden’ trick I am missing.

Any ideas / thoughts / suggestions are greatly appreciated.



If one were misbehaving, it would probably be a bad sensor but if three are all doing the same thing, It’s likely some sort of issue with your connections or code.

Try connecting these to an Arduino along with some proven example code and see if you get the same results or something different.