Alternative to Intel Edison for wearable with FPU?


I have been working with Arduino Pro Mini and Teensy boards for wearable projects.

However I am currently looking for a small wearable board with a FPU.

Are there alternatives to the Intel Edison ? This board seems really powerful but having to connect everything through the 40-pin connector and the 1.8V I/O are a bit frightening.

Thank you in advance.

[NavSpark could be an alternative.

[AttoDuino is interesting too but it’s not available currently and there’s no contact link to ask its developers when it is.](](

Check out Ingenic’s Newton2 platform.

FPU - hardware floating point

I’ve taken this board that has an STM32F415 that has an FPU and used it with other development tools

(the company’s compilers are beyond awful, and over-priced)

and used it with an ST-Link/V2 debugger pod. And IAR or GCC compiler. IAR is free only for the 32KB limited version.

VisualGDB is $90 but is excellent. There are several other IDE choices.