I’m using an MPL3115A2 Altitude Sensor with a Sparkfun Pro Micro 5v and a basic sketch from the library. I’m getting some crazy readings: Altitude(ft): -3277.56 and Temp(F): -1766.20. Ideas for troubleshooting? What am I missing?
include <Wire.h>
#include "SparkFunMPL3115A2.h"
//Create an instance of the object
MPL3115A2 myPressure;
void setup()
Wire.begin(); // Join i2c bus
Serial.begin(9600); // Start serial for output
myPressure.begin(); // Get sensor online
//Configure the sensor
myPressure.setModeAltimeter(); // Measure altitude above sea level in meters
//myPressure.setModeBarometer(); // Measure pressure in Pascals from 20 to 110 kPa
myPressure.setOversampleRate(7); // Set Oversample to the recommended 128
//myPressure.enableEventFlags(); // Enable all three pressure and temp event flags
void loop()
//float altitude = myPressure.readAltitude();
//Serial.print(altitude, 2);
float altitude = myPressure.readAltitudeFt();
Serial.print("Altitude(ft): ");
//float pressure = myPressure.readPressure();
//Serial.print(pressure, 2);
//float temperature = myPressure.readTemp();
//Serial.print(" Temp(c):");
//Serial.print(temperature, 2);
float tempRead = myPressure.readTempF();
Serial.print(" Temp(F): ");