Hi, I have a Sparkfun ZOE M8Q GPS module connected to a Rasberry Pi 3 via QWIIC with a QWIIC hat on the pi. I am wanting to install Android things on the pi and be able to use the GPS module for Android location services. I found a UART GPS driver for Android things driver listed here
https://github.com/androidthings/driver … master/gps
However, the issue I am running into is so far I have only been able to read the GPS data with rasbarian installed via I2C using the provided Sparkfun python libraries
It does say on the page that the GPS and QWIIC system can be read over serial. I am wondering if the android things driver above would be compatible with this GPS module wired with QWIIC or if I would need to modify it. I am thinking it should be since the GPS module can be read over serial but so far I have not been able to do this, only with I2C with the provided python libraries.