annoying sparkfun smd module

Hi guys, I’m having some trouble with the cheap sparkfun smd bluetooth module. I’m not really sure which documentation to read because there doesnt seem to be any specifically for that module. I can pair and connect to the thing, but then I open a hyperterminal, Putty or terraterm to it, and send it some commands like $$$ — +++ etc, and I never recieve anything back from it. I have tried all different baud rates from 9600 to 115200, with no parity, 1 stop and no flow control.

On the hardware side of it, I cant really do much because the bluetooth link was going to be my debug tool, so until it works i cant really see whats going on. I have connected tx to tx and rx to rx which I think from reading other posts is a fault? I can change them fairly easily, but i’m thinking that it shouldnt make much difference to whether or not I get a response from the module? I also have cts and rts connected to cts and rts respectively which is also a fault. As a result I have told the microcontroller to assert the cts high at all times. Anyone have any advice on what else I can try?



Yeah it needs to have Tx to Rx and vice-versa. You will have to read up on CTS and RTS.

Which module are you talking about? [This one?](

yeah thats the module. I’m thinking it might be a good idea to temporarily connect the module tx and rx pins to see if I can get it to loopback?

Disconnect the bluetooth module and do a loop back test on the computer connected bit.

If that passes, reconnect the bluetooth with Tx to Rx and vice-versa.

Whats your hardware? Is it an Arduino, '232 or something completely different?

Pairing is done in the module itself so it’s most likely going to be switched wires on the hardware side of things.

I posted another reply yesterday but it was flagged as spam for mederation or something. Anyway, I changed the connections over and it works. I didnt realize that it would only display its responses to command mode to the local host.
