Antenna design

I recently bought a 2.4Ghz antenna for my audio transmitter. The antenna has SMA connection but I don’t know if grounding the antenna is necessary.And should I ground it directly or through a small capacitor.

I also have another question, can I take the RF output of the transmitter and connect it directly ,or through a capacitor, to the RF input of the receiver circuit, just for testing purposes.


The threads on the SMA are the RF ground. The antenna, depending on type, may need a “ground plane”.

Why not use antennas on the transmitter and the receiver?

I would say that it’s a bad idea to connect the reciever directly to the transmitter. The transmitter usually pushes out a much higher power signal then the reciever can handle, plus after the reciever gets the signal it typically amplifies it before sending it to the processor. All added up it’s a nice combination for burning something out. Picture a garden hose hooked to a fire hydrant.

Thank you all for your help. I guess I need to ground my 2.4GHz whip antenna .