Antenna #/Type for SPK6618H antenna?

Originally, I used the Sparkfun TOP106 antenna as part of my PPP setup and I specified NONE/SFETOP106 as the Antenna #/Type in the rtkconv options when converting from UBX to OBS file format. This seemed to work well when I submitted the OBS file to CSRS-PPP.

Now I’ve started using the SPK6618H GPS antenna and I specified NONE/SPK6618H as the Antenna #/Type and got this response from CSRS-PPP:

Warning : Although an antenna record was located in the RINEX file, no phase centre information could be found in the IGS/NGS file for your antenna. Estimated height should be used with caution. Ensure that both the antenna type and the RINEX header record "ANT # / TYPE " are valid.

What should I specify as the Antenna #/Type when using the SPK6618H antenna?

Hey Jim,

We submitted that antenna (three of them, actually) to the NGS for characterization something like a year ago, just like we did with the SFETOP106 and the SFEFACET antennae. For reasons unknown, after a couple months of testing, they stopped responding to any sort of communications. We continue to email them regularly, but we just haven’t heard back; we did recently find a new contact, so perhaps we will have updates soon!

A stand-in for the SPK6618H antenna profile is the HFX6618; it uses an older version of the same 6618 base element, and from what I can gather, and should have a very similar phase center for each band as the SPK6618H.

Thanks for the explanation and for suggesting antenna code HFX6618. I just submitted to CSRS-PPP using antenna that antenna code and it was accepted without any warnings.

Is there some way to provide the antenna calibration info to CSRS-PPP manually, instead of having it retrieved from NGS?

Ah that’s great news, glad it worked for you!

I actually don’t know how to do that, or if it’s possible. I believe OPUS (USA’s version of CSRS) has a few advanced options, you may try that out and see if they have an antenna calibration upload.