I have a rather urgent question. I’m using the RGB APA102C-5050 https://www.sparkfun.com/products/16345 product in a design i’m trying to get assembled, but the assembler is asking for the footprint. Unfortunately, the datasheet does not contain this information. Can it be provided? Is there another part with the same footprint that I can look at?
Thanks in advance!
Hi Jonathan.
Unfortunately I don’t have a document with the footprint in it, but our Eagle library does have this part in it and your manufacturer may be able to use that. The library file you need can be found [here and it’s file name SparkFun-LED.lbr. The part name in that library that corresponds to COM-16345 is “APA102-5050”.](GitHub - sparkfun/SparkFun-Eagle-Libraries: SparkFun's Public Eagle PCB Footprints)