Ardublocks? Mac or PC's

I am just getting started in electronics and I want to download Ardublock (also ordering the Sandbox). I have a MacBook Pro and an old Pc. Is one better then the other when you starting out in programming? The PC would be just for project, and the Mac is for my day to day stuff. Any help would be appreciated.

So long as your computer of choice has the power to handle the Arduino and Ardublock environments – which most are – then either will be fine. Our tech support team at SparkFun has far more experience on PCs, and a tiny bit in Linux. Several other makers I know love their Macbooks. There are installation instructions for all three major environments. Ardublock’s is here … ardublock/ and Arduino’s is here Use what you most want to work with right now. If you stick with it long enough to develop a preference, you’ll be able to know enough to choose the environment you want to use.

The Digital Sandbox also has some tutorials. Check here to see what all is available.

Good luck, and have fun!

Thanks for the information, the Mac is newer and faster, but I think I will try the PC’s first.

That would be my advice, go for the PC. I didn’t find the system requirements for Ardublock, but from the looks of it, a Pentium 4 or better should handle it just fine.