Arduino application _ Missing Examples subfolder


We bought the Sparkfun Inventors kit for our son. We just started and followed the instructions (in paper guide as well as online troubleshooting FAQ) to install the Arduino application.

We are stuck because upon installation of the Arduino app, there isn’t a “Examples” subfolder where to copy the zipped SIK-guide-code… file. We reinstalled several times the Arduino app and every time, no Examples sub-folder to be found.

The only 2 subfolders we have are “locales” and “resources”.

We use a Windows 11 version.

Can you please let us how to proceed. This is a difficult start as we can’t try any of the circuits.


It’s probably hiding in the “C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\examples” folder instead of “C:\Program Files\Arduino-x\examples”, put them in there and give it a go :slight_smile:

Thanks, we thought about that and the Arduino folder is downloaded only under C:\Program Files. Nothing under “Program Files (x86)”. Any other idea or guidance?

Does it matter what browser we use? As it stand, we can’t use the kit at all and our son is very disappointed. Looking forward to your answer.

It looks like the SIK guide is written for the older v1.x Arduino IDE, and you probably have the newer 2.x version. There were significant changes to the IDE in the newer version.

Sparkfun should definitely update the SIK documentation to match the newer Arduino software. In the meantime, it may be easiest for you to uninstall the 2.x IDE and download the “legacy” version of the IDE, version 1.8.19, from the Arduino site at You’ll have to scroll down the page past the current version to find it. By using the older version of the software, the screenshots and file paths will more closely match the documentation.

Thank you - It seems to work!