Arduino Create will not upload or verify to an Arduino Uno


I am a teacher working with 8th graders. We use chromebooks, and we have Arduino Create setup for the students to upload.

When the students tried to upload the Who Am I game today, it would not upload or verify. One of my students tried the offline arduino editor, and it uploaded.

I have used the exact same code and editor in the past, and everything worked fine.

I tried uploading with a SparkFun Redboard and a Green Arduino board.

Please let me know your troubleshooting thoughts.

Dave Piemme

Unfortunately, we do not provide support with the web interface for this exact reason. We have found inconsistencies in the use of the web platform and highly suggest users use the desktop Arduino IDE (we try to highlight that in [this hookup guide).

Usually the issue is with 3rd party board definitions, libraries, or the ability for the web editor to interface directly with the board due to the USB to serial chips. Based on the fact that your code wouldn’t compile, it sounds like a 3rd party library compatibility with the web IDE. This would be on Arduino’s end as the library appears to work with the desktop IDE, but I doubt that it is a priority for them to fix as this issue has been around since the web interface was introduced.](RedBoard Qwiic Hookup Guide - SparkFun Learn)