Arduino Digital Input reads incorrectly when SF Xbee shield is installed

My arduino digital input 2 defined as the LSB reads a correct 1 when 5V is applied to it and 0 when no voltage is applied. When the shield is added, it reads a 3 regardless if 0V or 5V is applied to the digital input LSB. Below is the code. The circuit is a wire from 5V to Digital Pin 2.

/Create and Define Global Variables

int dipPins = {5, 4, 3, 2}; // DIP Switch Pins

int Address;

void setup()



int i;

for(i = 0; i<=3; i++){

pinMode(dipPins*, INPUT); // set the digital pins (defined above) as input*
//digitalWrite(dipPins, HIGH); // set internal pullup resistor on
void loop()
Address = address();
//Read state from DIP Switch (4 positions used)
byte address(){
int i,j=0;

//Get the switches state
for(i=0; i<=3; i++){
j = (j << 1) | digitalRead(dipPins); // read each input pin
return j; //return address

Depending on the position of the switch, D2 on the XBEE shield is used for software serial RX from the XBEE. It also has a level shifter and an LED and resistor to 3v3. I would choose a different pin for digital use (D3 is used for soft serial TX, so I would stay away from that one as well).
