Arduino Due R3 and Sparkfun Can Bus Shield.

Hello everyone.

I just ordered these 2 boards, Arduino Due R3 and Sparkfun Can Bus Shield .(I dont have them yet, i m posting this to be more informed at the right time).

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I have read a lot untill now about these two boards(programming codes, examples, connection,), but i did not found something verry specific about this exactly 2 boards being together.

If anyone connected them untill now and extracted data from CAN with them, i am curious about the connection and the programming code.OR any tips that you can give me

Overall, i want to display the speed of a car useing these 2 boards.

I will update this post with my progress.

Thank you, and wish you the best.

Hello Valentinn.

The CAN Bus Shield will not work on a Due without some modification to the shield and possibly your code and libraries. We recommend using an Arduino Uno in place of the Due.

Thank you verry much for the recommandation.

Could you please tell me about the changes i need to perfom to the Can Bus Shield board? If the modifications are quite simple i don’t mind doing them, even on libraries.

The shield was designed for an Uno and the Uno has SPI on pins 11, 12, & 13.

You will need to re-route the SPI pins on the shield to the [SPI pins on the Due.](SPI - Arduino Reference)