Arduino Nano / XBee S2C pin sizes and jumper wires

I am working with an Arduino Nano, Nano IO shield and an XBee S2C. While I was trying to troubleshoot a problem, I was looking into connecting pins on the Nano to the XBee via jumper wires rather than connect them both to the shield. I discovered that the pin sizes are different and the jumper wires that I have do not hold to the pins on the XBee.

My question is this - are there jumper wires available that would allow me to connect the Nano and the XBee directly? If not, is there another solution, other than soldering, that I could use?

Thank you for your help.

You can connect XBee S2C to the Arduino NANO I/O Extension Shield with Female to female jumpers.

Sort of…

I have no problem connecting the Nano or the XBee to the shield - there are headers on the shield and everything fits well.

When trying to connect the Nano directly to the XBee (WITHOUT the shield), and using the female to female jumpers that I have, that is when I found out that the pins on the XBee are noticeably smaller than the pins on the Nano (and everything else I have).

Are there female to female jumper wires that work with the smaller pins on the XBee?

We don’t carry any cables that will mate with Xbee sized headers I am afraid. Your best bet is to either jam a smaller gauged wire in with the header. If I recall you can slip a wire in behind the female connector and tighten things up. Not really ideal, but the only thing I can think of without soldering.

These might work.

Thank you!

We need to carry some of those ;-).

Thanks for the suggestion, YellowDog!