Xbee shield fouls on Uno

In dry-fitting an Xbee shield (with stackable headers installed) to an Arduino Uno, I found that the end of the shield fouls on the USB and power jacks.

The only solution I can see is to leave the headers only partly plugged in to the Uno (a couple of mm gap). But that’s a bad idea mechanically.

Am I missing something obvious?


Thank you, I will let our internal teams know about your feedback. If there is a small gap, both the male and female connectors are long enough to make good electrical connections.

Yes, it feels like there is electrical connectivity (the pins are gripped). But because the pins aren’t fully seated, the board can tilt during installation, or when otherwise stressed, and bend the pins.

Also, the first row of breadboard holes is close to the metal housing of the USB jack, and solder connections on the underside might short against it.

(I tried to upload photos, but get “HTML error.”)

Would header extensions work to gain clearance under the shield?


I suppose they would, at the cost of added height. Actually, what I think I will do is pull the pins out of a strip of male header and slide the plastic over the existing stackable header pins; this looks like it will be long enough for good mechanical support. (In a sense, this is a shorter version of your idea.) And, as Brandon said, there is enough pin length for electrical connection. Thanks!