Hi, when I use stackable connectors on my shield ( the in-between shield) there are two point of concern, the contact area is less then a single row of pins (when non stackable shields are required). It seems to be close to a loose contact. The other point of concern is the open 2.5 mm gap between the shield and the Arduino UNO because the USB housing is restricting seating the board. I though of adding some isolated material between the shield and the connector, part of the Arduino UNO, to assure it’s seated and possible some nylon screws/buses to make it ‘industrial strength’. Any idea’s what best practice is here? Reg. Piet
That gap where the shields dont fully seat is normal, and all the pins should connect fine. Ive worked with shields, and all the stackable headers are the same.
If you do have a shield that ends up touching the USB port on the Arduino, make sure there are no traces running there that could short out your project. We have seen that be an issue before for some shields from different vendors, so just be careful about that. A little electrical tape over the USB port should be enough to prevent any issues or shorts.