I’d like to arduino pro mini with xbee to get able to communicate with several arduinos by wire.
I’d like to use as less wires and solder as it can be.
I googled the internets and didnt find any ane arduino pro mini shields at all.
What is the easyest way to connect xbee to arduino mini pro 3.3v?
I found this setup:
[Arduino Pro Mini 328 - with XBee by [caseorganic, on Flickr
But I’am a little bit confused about that direct connection. I checked schematic [here and [here and it looks different for me :shock:
It is acceptable setup?
Thanks!](http://www.arduino.cc/en/Main/ArduinoBoardMini)](http://www.sparkfun.com/datasheets/Wireless/Zigbee/XBee-Regulated-v10.pdf)](About Amber Case | Flickr)](Arduino Pro Mini 328 - with XBee | www.sparkfun.com/commerce… | Flickr)](Arduino Pro Mini 328 - with XBee | www.sparkfun.com/commerce… | Flickr)