Hello Sparkfun team and members,
I have an Arduino Pro Mini connected to a GT-521F32 (FPS) and to an OLED display.
Im running a program which allows identifying my fingerprint and controlling the OLED, everything works so far.
However, I want two more things that I could not get to working yet:
1.) serial prints (to the serial window)
2.) and also serial prints sent to Pin 1 = TX0 (to read them in with an Artemis ATP over Serial1 at RX1)
Issue 1.)
For example when I use “serial.print(“example”);” anywhere in my code nothing gets printed,
and more important: the FPS stops working (communicating) straight from the beginning.
The library Im using (FPS_GT511C3.cpp and therefore .h) uses SoftwareSerial I have seen. I guess that might cause the issue?
Issue 2.)
For example when I use “mySerial.print(”$$$“);” with SoftwareSerial (Pin 0, 1 for RX, TX) the listening Artemis ATP reads nothing incoming over Serial1 at RX1. (I would also use Serial1 to send with the Pro Mini but it does not have a RX1, TX1)
I used the necessary begin and available commands and I also used a ground connection between Pro Mini and Artemis ATP. The many attempts I made to get these two things working I made separately to not cross influence each other. However I have cut them out of the code to get rid of too much comments.
Any tips how to get this working? Or helpful links?