Arduino Pro Mini multiple serial communication

Hello Sparkfun team and members, :slight_smile:

I have an Arduino Pro Mini connected to a GT-521F32 (FPS) and to an OLED display.

Im running a program which allows identifying my fingerprint and controlling the OLED, everything works so far.

However, I want two more things that I could not get to working yet:

1.) serial prints (to the serial window)

2.) and also serial prints sent to Pin 1 = TX0 (to read them in with an Artemis ATP over Serial1 at RX1)

Issue 1.)

For example when I use “serial.print(“example”);” anywhere in my code nothing gets printed,

and more important: the FPS stops working (communicating) straight from the beginning.

The library Im using (FPS_GT511C3.cpp and therefore .h) uses SoftwareSerial I have seen. I guess that might cause the issue?

Issue 2.)

For example when I use “mySerial.print(”$$$“);” with SoftwareSerial (Pin 0, 1 for RX, TX) the listening Artemis ATP reads nothing incoming over Serial1 at RX1. (I would also use Serial1 to send with the Pro Mini but it does not have a RX1, TX1)


I used the necessary begin and available commands and I also used a ground connection between Pro Mini and Artemis ATP. The many attempts I made to get these two things working I made separately to not cross influence each other. However I have cut them out of the code to get rid of too much comments.

Any tips how to get this working? Or helpful links? :expressionless:

Pins 0 and 1 on the Pro Mini are reserved for hardware serial. Use other pins for SoftwareSerial.

There are better alternatives than SoftwareSerial, discussion here: … -one-is-ar

Thank you for your help.

Is it even possible to use the TX and RX (Pin 0, 1) of Arduino Pro Mini for serial communication to another board AND still use a virtual serial port for another purpose? Or is this already blocking each other? Thats my main question.

I am using this code (attached) on an Arduino Pro Mini for controlling a FPS and an OLED, which works fine.

But as soon as I insert a “Serial.print(“test”);” anywhere inside the loop function my FPS stops working plus nothing gets printed out to the serial monitor.

Any idea how to get this little “print test” working inside the loop?

Note: The FPS library uses SoftwareSerial on Pin 4 and 5. But debug prints of the FPS to the serial monitor are disabled so there should be no problems I guess

Attaching the code here always fails. I tried forum format, .txt, .c and .ino