Arduino Pro mini, USB cable?

Hi, Thanks for reading…. total noob, interested in basic projects using Arduino Pro mini, for radio control airplanes…. I’ve got tutorials for assembling GPS and Variometer projects, but am not sure about which USB to TTL type cable to use for installing firmware, and to make things worse, i’ve got Win 10, which seems unpopular with these USB to TTL cables… I need to use a 3.3v 8 Mhz board for the Variometer project and a 5V 16Mhz board for the GPS project….so i’m guessing i could need different USB cables… my tutorial shows a cable with four separate leads with Dupont type plugs on them which is similar to the Sparkfun CAB 12977 cable (but that cable doesn’t like Win 10)…….any thoughts? Thanks!

12977 that you’ve linked and would be my first suggestion and could be used if TTL isn’t a strict requirement

Thanks! I think i’ll go old school with those USB cables……