Looking for a product

I’m deep into this electronics stuff now. I have an older CN-06 GPS and I broke the brass antenna connector on the board. If I can desolder it, does Sparkfun sell those little connectors that the ceramic antennas snap onto?

I plan to make an order for some more Pro Micro boards and some jumper wires and headers.

Thanks. I found it on Amazon. It’s a U.FL connector and I seriously doubt it is made of brass. The price for 2 tells me it’s probably Gold.

Thank you Sparkfun for the tutorial on how not to break them.

https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/th … t8QAvD_BwE

I got the new U.FL soldered on. It’s the same problem, it won’t click which was how I broke it. New connector, same antenna. I looked at it with my Sparkfun third hand soldering thing with the magnifying glass and the antenna side looks fine. I plugged it all in anyway and it got hot.

Question is if the antenna doesnt have a solid connection, will that heat up the receiver?

Sounds like a short circuit somewhere. Might be easier to just replace the GPS with a newer model.