SparkFun RTK Surveyor Kit

I got my SparkFun Surveyor Kit a few days ago, and I’ve been having trouble getting a GPS signal from it. It always reports 0.0,0.0. I bought a cheap antenna from Amazon, but no luck, same result. I updated the firmware to 3.1 on the esp32, and to HPG 1.32 on the U-Blox. Still nothing. I debugged with u-center, still nothing - it always behaves as if the antenna is disconnected. Even found some u-blox controls for antenna configuration that check for shorts or opens, and they continue to behave the same, although it claims the antenna is “OK/ON” in all cases (even when there’s no antenna connected). I then noted with a multi-meter that the inside of the antenna connection was apparently shorted to the outside casing - although the multi-meter occasionally read 0.1 ohms. This doesn’t seem right - does anyone know what the resistance should be?

I then opened it up, and confirmed that both terminals of the antenna connection were connected to ground. While taking a picture I happened to notice the component immediately below the words “L1/L2 Active Antenna” appears to have a blurb of solder overtop of it. Could this be the root of the problem?

That was it. I successfully removed the solder over the component which fixed the short between the antenna and ground. It is now receiving information from the satellites.