Arduino Template Express for Atmel Studio

I have just released Arduino Template Express for Atmel Studio 6.1. It allows Atmel Studio to create, compile and deploy Arduino sketches. It also provides ArduinoCore library support for a few Attiny micro controllers. A step by step installation is located at … tallation/ If you are into Arduinos, take this code for a spin and it will improve your productivity while giving you access to Arduino libraries.

The following development boards are supported by ATE.

Arduino Uno (Tested)

Arduino Mega 2560 (Tested)

Arduino Leonardo (Tested)






ArduinoTiny (24/44/84)

ArduinoTiny (24/45/85)

ArduinoTiny (2313/2413)

ArduinoTiny (87/167)

I’ve started using Eclipse with Arduino’s libs and Teensy. The Arduino IDE isn’t used.

Much better- since Eclipse gives you all the C++ context, where-defined, where-used, tool-tips, etc.

The add-on to MS Visual Studio takes a licensed copy of Visual Studio (not free Express versions). The Atmel Studio is a way around that, I suppose.

Either is so much preferred to the simple Arduino IDE editor. Which is fine for small programs I suppose.