Arduino to Color Camera and LCD Screen


Does anyone know how I would connect an Arduino Diecimila or a FT232RL USB-to-Serial Breakout Board to a CMOS Camera (SEN-08667) or a Color QVGA Screen (LCD-08844) from sparkfun please?

I want to be able to control each pixel via a serial connection.


I don’t think that would work. The device does have an I2C interface, but I2C is fairly slow and (skimming the data sheet) is most likely only used to set basic parameters. It could also be used to tell the camera when to take an image. The actual data output from the camera is a parallel interface, so in addition to I2C, you would need to dedicate an 8bit IO port to reading the image data.

I’m not sure based on my limited reading of the data sheet if you can read just one pixel.

Anyway, to answer your question, it doesn’t support asynchronous serial communication on it’s own. You would need to design something to adapt it to your particular application if that’s what you need. Put another way, I2C is not the same as RS-232 so some kind of adaptation is needed.

Ok then, scrap the idea of reading data through a serial connection - has anybody got any examples of getting this up and running connected in some way to a Wiring/Arduino board…