I have a project where I am trying to light up two serially connected LEDs (https://www.ledsupply.com/leds/custom-3 … -power-led) by using an Arduino UNO board and I purchased a relay control kit (https://www.sparkfun.com/products/13815) to feed the system enough power. I established all the connections as depicted in this video: https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/be … 1580261792
I tried the system by using an arduino code that is supposed to keep the lights on at all times. Although the relay is on at all times (red light is on), the LEDs I am using are flashing with a certain frequency instead of staying on. I tried different codes for the arduino as well as different LEDs but the problem seems to be consistent with every combination I tried. Could you please instruct me how I can troubleshoot it.
P.s.: I am using a 12V 2000mA power source.
Thank you