32 x 32 LED Matrix not working

I am running the sample code from the adafruit library for a color wheel on my arduino UNO for a 32x32 LED matrix but it is not working. I have checked my wiring and tried different power sources such as a 5V and a 9V power source. This is what is happening, a few rows randomly light up once everytime I upload the sketch and then it just stays blank. I am using an arduino uno and am using this led matrix for a class project. I need some assistance urgently. Please help me as soon as possible, the matter is urgent!!!

Thank you

This usually happens when you have a bad connection or a wire in the wrong spot.

Double check your connections, remember that the pin numbers on the cable are opposite those on the connector.

I believe I have connected my pins correctly, I first connected them the opposite way but have since tried both, are there any other potential reasons.

Also, is there a number I can call to get help. Thank you

Sorry, we don’t offer support over the phone.

What type of Arduino are you connecting the display too?

Can you provide clear, photos showing how the board is connected to the Arduino?

Clear as in if we’re not able to easily determine where the different wires are connected, we can’t offer much help.

Also, where did you get the display? There are different types and our code only works on the type we carry.

I got the board from amazon ( https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07BM … UTF8&psc=1 )

I am using an Arduino Uno board. below are pictures of how the wires are connected.

Here is another picture

Some More Pictures:

I can’t tell where your wires are going from your photos, if you think you received a bad panel, you will need to contact Amazon for a replacement.