I’ve been have trouble with get my 32x64 LED matrix working because I can’t get the example codes to run, can someone please help me? I’ve been following the instructions for it in the RGB Panel Hookup Guide from Sparkfun, but it’s not working.
Are you getting compilation errors? Is it compiling and uploading but not lighting up? Can you provide any pictures of your setup?
I’ve been running into an error when uploading the code where it takes too long and the board doesn’t light up at all.
Can you confirm that if you upload to the mega, while disconnected from the panel, you still get the same errors?
Yes that has happened.
Can you post the error that you’re getting? It might be something in the code. If it was copy/pasted, it is always possible a random keystroke by accident could’ve thrown in a wrench. I do it a lot.
The other thing to check would be your Arduino settings like target port, port, or programmer type.
If your code is pasted correctly then mainly Settings of the port or programmer type maybe the reason for the error.
Mostly, it is the code where problem occurs. Try to go through the code again.