I am trying to get the SparkFun Qwiic OLED Display to work with a Arduino UNO R4 WiFi.
I am using the standard library called Sparkfun Qwiic OLED Graphics Library on Windows 11.
However, it doesn’t work, the screen is blank and in the serial console I see this error message:
Running OLED example
Device begin failed. Freezing…
https://i.imgur.com/tGNIYEb.jpegThis is the example code I use:
This demo shows the basic setup of the OLED library, generating simple graphics and displaying
the results on the target device.
Micro OLED https://www.sparkfun.com/products/14532
Transparent OLED https://www.sparkfun.com/products/15173
"Narrow" OLED https://www.sparkfun.com/products/17153
Written by Kirk Benell @ SparkFun Electronics, March 2022
SparkFun code, firmware, and software is released under the MIT License(http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT).
#include <SparkFun_Qwiic_OLED.h> //http://librarymanager/All#SparkFun_Qwiic_Graphic_OLED
// The Library supports three different types of SparkFun boards. The demo uses the following
// defines to determine which device is being used. Uncomment the device being used for this demo.
QwiicMicroOLED myOLED;
// QwiicTransparentOLED myOLED;
// QwiicNarrowOLED myOLED;
void setup()
Serial.println("Running OLED example");
// Initalize the OLED device and related graphics system
if (myOLED.begin() == false)
Serial.println("Device begin failed. Freezing...");
while (true)
Serial.println("Begin success");
// Do a simple test - fill a rectangle on the screen and then print hello!
// Fill a rectangle on the screen that has a 4 pixel board
myOLED.rectangleFill(4, 4, myOLED.getWidth() - 8, myOLED.getHeight() - 8);
String hello = "hello"; // our message
// Center our message on the screen. Get the screen size of the "hello" string,
// calling the getStringWidth() and getStringHeight() methods on the oled
// starting x position - screen width minus string width / 2
int x0 = (myOLED.getWidth() - myOLED.getStringWidth(hello)) / 2;
// starting y position - screen height minus string height / 2
int y0 = (myOLED.getHeight() - myOLED.getStringHeight(hello)) / 2;
// Draw the text - color of black (0)
myOLED.text(x0, y0, hello, 0);
// There's nothing on the screen yet - Now send the graphics to the device
// That's it - HELLO!
void loop()
delay(1000); // Do nothing