Artemis Arduino BLE programming


I’m looking for a easy BLE that can scale to production with FCC already done and thus found the Artemis. I need to transmit audio file from custom iOS app to the Artemis. What is the status of Arduino BLE programming support and timeline? Can anyone offer help with how to get this done

While the Artemis module fully supports BLE it is not easy to use yet and the Arduino integration so far is limited to one example sketch. The ultimate goal is to bring the Apollo3 Arduino core into full compliance with the [ArduinoBLE.h interface. I can’t reliably estimate a timeframe right now, but ideally it would happen within 3 months or less.](ArduinoBLE - Arduino Reference)

Is there an updated timeframe on this?

Progress was not as quick as we had hoped, however we are still moving forward. We have the beginnings of an mbed-os port that can run a simple example.

This stuff is super ‘alpha’ and we don’t have any documentation for it yet. If you want to take a crack at it here are the necessary repos:

[ble2 branch of mbed-os-ambiq-apollo3 fork

[The BLE_LED example

Our next steps look roughly like this:

  • Enable automated testing of our mbed port

  • Verify mbed support and patch things as necessary

  • Migrate the Apollo3 Arduino core to use mbed

  • Implement Arduino’s BLE.h using the mbed framework

These steps are large and it will take time. But we have some evidence that progress is headed in the right direction. We are quite open to collaboration in case anyone could add Pull Requests to the mbed port repo.](](

It’s been about 5 months since that update, how has progress been? Might compatibility with ArduinoBLE be coming any time soon? I just bought a bunch of these boards without realizing that both the BLE and ML capabilities are pretty much unusable for custom purposes short of building the entire infrastructure yourself, and I’d love to be able to start making use of them some time.


I bought 10 of these boardds for development and now only I’m aware that Bluetooth is unusable. I just want to send sensor data to MIT app inventor app. Are there any updates ready?