Artemis ATP compatibility with Arduino libraries not as advertised

I have not had a good start with my Artemis ATP. I invested in this board as opposed to an Arduino Due, hoping it would accept sketches that I have written and run on a Mega2560 and which comply perfectly for an Arduino Due. Uploading a simple Temperature reading sketch using a single DS1820 on the Artemis has failed because the Arduino complier complains that the Onewire cpp uses “interrupts() - nointerupts()” function calls . I cannot see how, a simple sketch using standard Arduino libraries will not run if this architecture is supposed to be Arduino cross platform compatible. I do not want to have to start re-writing standard libraries just to get code to run on this board. I am sorely disappointed at this point. From this experience, I don’t think I will be investing any more time and money in Sparkfun products

Try using the TwoWire library instead