Artemis Datalogger + GPS-RTK (ZED-F9P) + Deep Sleep

I am working on a project for detecting the movement of objects over a longer period (2 weeks). So far I decided to use a GPS-RTK (ZED-F9P) sensor connected to an Artemis Datalogger via QWIIC. I use the GNSS logging firmware provided by Sparkfun.

To achieve the long logging duration, I want to log the GPS data for 10min every 6h. To test the setup, I have set the “logging duration” to 60sec and the “sleep duration” to 60sec. In addition, I set the option “Turn off Qwiic bus power when sleepin” to “Yes”. In my opinion, with this setup I should see a difference in the power consumption between the logging and the sleep phase.

To test the setup, I used a powermeter (USB) to measure the current. In this setup, I connect the USB-C terminal of the datalogger with the powermeter which is connected with an USB hub of my PC. When I start the measurement, the current changes if the board goes into deepsleep. The system behaves as expected.

When I connect a power source via the LiPo connections, there is no deepsleep of the system. The system remains in a continuous logging mode. I to not see the “power off” of the GPS sensor as seen when the system is connected via USB-C port. To you have any suggestions?


Please tell us more about your “power source” (“power source via the LiPo connections”). Is it a LiPo battery? What capacity?

Best wishes,
