OpenLog Artemis always log while powered

Can the OpenLog Artemis be configured to log to SD card by default such that it starts logging at application of power without requiring a button press? Specifically, the documentation suggests the device enters deep sleep when power is removed. Then when power is restored, a reset (button press) is required to exit sleep and continue logging. Ideally, I would like to negate the need for the button press even at the expense of higher power consumption.

Also, what happens if the SD card is filled? Can it be configured to automatically delete the oldest data (circular buffer)? Maybe it does this by default?

You could always try using the slow logging mode for the ‘sleep’ periods and set it up to just cycle after X amount of time during y to z hours, etc OpenLog Artemis Hookup Guide - SparkFun Learn

Automatic logging on power-up: Yes, the OpenLog Artemis can be configured to start logging automatically when power is applied, without requiring a button press. This involves modifying the firmware to change the default behavior. You would need to:

a) Edit the settings to bypass the deep sleep state.
b) Configure the device to initialize and start logging immediately upon power-up.

This modification would indeed result in higher power consumption, as you mentioned, since the device wouldn’t enter deep sleep.

As for the SD card…by default the OLA does not use a circular buffer. When the SD card is full it stops logging new data. However, you can modify the firmware to implement a circular buffer behavior. This would involve:

a) Keeping track of the oldest and newest log files.
b) When the SD card reaches a certain capacity threshold, deleting the oldest files to make room for new data.

To implement these changes, you’d need to modify the OpenLog Artemis firmware. The exact code changes would depend on the specific version of firmware you’re using, etc