Artemis IMU logging rate only 100 Hz and logs finish too early

I am logging IMU data with the Artemis logger onto the onboard microSD card.
I would like to know what settings I need to change in the OLA_settings.txt file, so that the logging automatically starts when the battery is connected or when the button is pressed and it should keep logging at a high rate (until now, I only got it to work with 100 Hz, but 250 Hz should also be possible, how?). Until now, the logs are always only a few seconds long, even though the sensor was powered for several minutes.

You can do both using the configuration settings menu; see OpenLog Artemis Hookup Guide - SparkFun Learn

“Pressing the miniature reset button, as you might expect, will reset the Artemis.”
So the RST button can not be used to start/end a logging file? (This would be convenient.)
Is it possible, that the Artemis sensor automatically starts logging, when it is powered on and when the battery is disconnected, it would have saved the log up to this time?
Or does it need a trigger, for finishing the logging file before power removal?
Is it necessary, that I connect an external switch on pin 32 (or pin 11), or can it be done without this?
Should I put the following values into the OLA_settings.txt file?

openNewLogFilesAfter=1 # (does this mean after battery is connected?)
frequentFileAccessTimestamps=0 # (what is the influence of this?)

There is no information about what I am asking for in this link. Could you please answer my questions?

Actually everything you’ve asked is answered in that doc

Simply powering down will just stop logging @ whichever the current log file is at whatever line it’s on in the log…it’ll just stop whatever serial write it was performing at the time

Yes, RST can be used to start/stop a log file…just enable logging by default and anytime it powers up it begins logging according to whatever settings have been saved
To see if you can get 250hz enable max logging speed…you can also enable hz logging to see what hz is being logged

Open new log files after (s): is a delay between logs in seconds…which is covered in that guide

The frequent access log question is also answered explicitly; “Option 11 can be used to enable frequent log file timestamps. As of firmware v1.6, the log file create and access timestamps (metadata) are correctly set by the OLA’s Real Time Clock. By default, the access timestamps are only updated when the log files are closed. You can use option 11 to make the OLA update the timestamps frequently. However, doing so causes more SD card writes which can cause problems when logging at high rates. We made this option configurable so you can decide which is best for your application.”

Thanks for you answer, however I don’t see an option 11 in the serial monitor.
I would really like to understand, why it does not show me this option. I have flashed the firmware v16 (and also tried v27) but there are only options 1-7. What is the issue here?
See the following screenshots:

Artemis Firmware v16

I have now understood, that I need to go to Option 1 for being able to selecting Option 11 (which confused me before).
However, it says that it is only possible to log with 112 Hz at maximum. How could this limit be increased?
Also: I set 10 s new log file intervalls and noticed, that there is a delay of 1340 ms between those files, how can this delay be reduced?
Also in this screenshot of the logging data, you can see that it only logged at 76 Hz not the 110 Hz that I put in the settings (why?).

I have another issue: In the Arduino serial monitor, I changed the settings, so that it should turn of the LED in low power mode, so that I can notice it (it should never go into low power mode). I think this changed this line:
“enablePwrLedDuringSleep=1” in the OLA_settings.txt file.
Afterwards, even after pressing the RST button, it did not start logging and the LED just turned on for a short period and turned off again. Also, it was no longer possible to open the serial monitor.
Why is it doing this and how can I change back?
(It seams that I cannot upload the OLA_settings.txt file here, so I attached a screenshot)