Artemis Global Tracker GNSS Not Working

Hooked up the Artemis Global Tracker and it was working great for GNSS and Iridium. Tried to use the temperature/humidity example, but that example wouldn’t compile because of library issues.

The problem is that now the GNSS example won’t run. It says:

Ublox GPS not detected at default I2C address. Please check wiring. Freezing.

Have deleted the entire Artemis Global Tracker code and pulled a new copy just in case something was fat-fingered. Reinstalled all of the libraries used by the examples. Removed the supercapacitors, since they had been added since the GNSS example had worked. None of those changes made any difference.

The Iridium example that gets the current time still works fine. Blinking LEDs works fine. It’s just GNSS that isn’t working. And nothing seems to help.

I have pictures in case they help, but they aren’t interesting. Just the Artemis Global Tracker with the Iridium antenna, plugged into a serial port.

Hi frogman,

Please accept my apologies for the very slow response. I am sorry to hear that you have been having problems with your AGT.

Thank you for spotting that the links to the MS8607 library were broken. We changed the name of that library a couple of weeks ago. I have just updated the examples with the new library details.

Are you still having problems with the GNSS chip on your AGT? If you are familiar with how GNSS chips work, it would be helpful if you could try a small test. Do you see any activity on the TX pad while the GNSS chip is powered on? If the chip is working, you should see standard NMEA serial messages on that pad (3.3V, 9600 Baud). It is the one next to the MOSI breakout pad on the back of the PCB. Also, please try the new MS8607 temperature/humidity example as that will let us know if the I2C bus is working (the ZOE shares an I2C bus with the MS8607).

Also, I just wanted to let you know that you do not need to add extra supercapacitors unless you are going to set the charge current to 60mA (to reduce the current consumption). I’ve added a note about this in the hardware README: … dium-9603n

Very best wishes and apologies again for the slow response,


Thanks, Paul. No problem, this has been a crazy time to try to get things done. I’ll check that out today and get back to you.

So… got it back out of its box today and the problem is gone. The example code works just fine. We didn’t change anything other than to reprogram the board. But we did that lots of times when the problem was happening, and reprogramming never resolved the problem. So we’re not sure what fixed the issue, except that the board sat in its box for about 2 weeks. As I mentioned in the original post, we had removed the additional supercapacitors before deciding to ask for help. There was no battery or anything else providing power during those two weeks. Any suggestions about what to look out for? Problems that go away on their own usually come back on their own.

Also, I read the change to the README, and we’ll definitely want to set the board for 60 mA charging. We’ll be using a solar panel and doing infrequent updates from a very remote location, so the solar charging is an important feature for this project. So we’ll put the supercapacitors back on and switch the jumper to enable that feature. Hopefully we won’t get in trouble this time!

Many thanks for the update. I’m really glad your board is working again.

It’s tricky to diagnose but I’m wondering if you might have an intermittent solder joint under the ZOE. If the problem reappears let us know and we’ll arrange a swap.

Best wishes,
