Artemis OpenLog v1.9 stopped loggind data into SD card

I am using Artemis OpenLog v1.9 to log IMU data. I have five of them and configured them in the same way. This morning, when I was checking the sensors, one stopped logging data into the micro SD card while the other four were working properly. I then connected the sensor out of work to my laptop by type-C wire using serial communication, and I got the output like this:

I did not change anything myself, but this one seems not working properly: it cannot create data logging files.
I then plug a brand new micro SD card into the sensor without changing anything, and it works as normal, with the output like this:

I am writing to ask why this happens (this is not the first time it has happened, last time it happened, I changed the SD card) and how to prevent it from happening again. Given that I will assign the sensors to a third party to collect data, I cannot get access to the sensor all the time, so I want to make sure all the sensors are functioning. I am looking forward to hearing from you!


I also tried to swap the SD cards. It seems that if I plug in the SD card from the sensor out of work to other normal sensors, they won’t work and the output is the same.

Everything points to a short-lived/faulty SD card. Buy kingston/sandisk/etc to help minimize the chances, but sometimes those die too :-/

SD cards have limited # of writes in their life, sometimes a junky cell can kill the unit