Artemis thing plus - max current draw

Hello everybody,

Just one quick question about the Artemis thing plus:

I plan to connect it to an F9P-RTK 2 with a Bluetooth mate gold connected to its UART, and an oled lcd. I was wondering if the Artemis thing plus board would be able to power all of the above via the i2c bus.

I saw that the Redboard Artemis has a max of 600 mA current output, but no such specification is provided fo the Thing Plus.

Can you tell me the max current that the Thing Plus is capable to provide?


It should also be 600mA…looking at the two perihperals, you should have plenty of power for those 2 :smiley:

Mate Gold: ~25mA

F9p: Current: 68mA - 130mA (varies with constellations and tracking state)