AS-108M Fingerprint sensor and Raspberry Pi

Hi all

Please bear in mind that I’m a complete noob starting a very first diy project :).

I’m looking for a capacitive fingerprint sensor running at 3.3V for a Raspberry Pi project (so no external usb interface) and I came across this nice Sparkfun AS-108M sensor.

I have three questions:

  1. How do I connect this sensor to a Raspberry Pi 4 board? Do I need an extra HAT?

  2. How can I assemble this in a case for the Raspberry Pi? It doesn’t seem to have any mounting points (can’t tell from the photos)?

  3. Is there a java library which I can use to communicate with the sensor?

Thanks in advance for your assistance!

Best regards


Project: Going to make a z-wave security dashboard

  • RPi4

  • 7" touch screen

  • PIR sensor

  • Fingerprint sensor

  1. You need to connect it to your Pi’s UART pins, and enable their use via raspi-config…then the data transmits over UART

  2. I’d probably hot-glue it somewhere out of the way

  3. There’s all kinds of libraries for communicating with a Pi, google around for what you want (wifi, bluetooth, etc) and check out similar projects

Hi TS-Russell

Thanks for the reply.

This AS-108M has a 10-pin 0.5mm FPC cable and connector and I don’t see how I can connect this to the UART of the Pi?

This FPC cable looks much like the display and camera cable though with less pins. Both connectors will be used already, so they are not an option (and I guess they are not compatible).

I think I am missing a hat that converts the FPC cable to UART of some converter piece?

If it would be UART connected, I guess I can grab one of the libraries available.