AS6212 always returns -0.007813 °C

I have an AS6212 (Qwiic) attached to a SparkFun Thing Plus Matter - MGM240P. Running the example for basic readings always returns -0.007813 °C / 31.985937 °F. Additionally, running the single shot readings example just gets stuck in while loop waiting for the conversion to finish, here:

  while(sensor.getSingleShotStatus() == true) // 1 = conversion ongoing
    Serial.print("."); // print some "dots" to know it's pollling correctly.
    delay(10); // avoid overtaxing I2C bus

I’m wondering if the sensor is faulty, or if I just missed something somehow. I’m running both examples without any code modifications. I’ve also tried calling setDefaultSettings(), just to make sure that something wasn’t pre-configured incorrectly, but that didn’t make any difference.

Thanks for your help,