AS7265x stopped working

Hello sparkfun community. I own two of these wonderful sensors but one decided to give up on me. Not 100% sure what is on the EEPROM chip but looks like something got reset.

Basically, during the startup the STAT led keeps blinking blue and the i2c interface is not available anymore. This is running on a 3.3V micro-controller (esp32) and being powered by the microcontroller itself. All other devices we have on i2c are working fine. Anything you can help me with to troubleshoot this? I tried it on different microcontrollers, or just powering it with 3.3v directly but this behaviour persists. My second sensor (same one) works fine.

Thanks in advance.


Blinking has a pattern. 6 times, then looks like it resets. Over and over.

Sorry maybe I posted in the wrong section but how can one get some support?

Hey there, sorry for the delay. How were you using those boards? Do you have a picture(s) of your setup (with easy to follow wiring) and the code you were using when it stopped working?