i received the SparkFun Triad Spectroscopy Sensor - AS7265x from the distributor Digi-Key. I already had a AS7263 NIR, which works very good. The new sensor - used with the latest sparkfun library - i was unable to get working with ARDUINO. It always says “I2C-Error”.
I checked the datasheets from AMS, and both sensors seem to have the same setup for most part (adress 0x49, internal registers for HW Version, etc.) . One difference is, that the AS7265 datasheet says it only has Fast Mode (400 kHz) operation for I2C operation. Therefore i did set Wire.setClock(400000); the code works with the AS7263 - but the AS7265x is unreachable over Wire commands, always I2C-Error.
So here are my questions (things i can’t find information about), to make sure i really received faulty hardware:
After power connect (3.3V) the status LED(blue) of the AS7263 just lightens one time, then stays dark, while on the AS7265x it keeps constantly flashing. Does that mean something, for example, that the boot from the 4mbit Flash does not work?
Should the AS7265x work @ 100 kHz (standard I2C speed) ?
Are the /RST & /INT pins on the 6-pin connector (J3 in the schematics) really unconnected. I left 'em open! Maybe they need to be connected to get the sensor work?
Is it possible to reload/update the Flash memory, maybe it is corrupted or needs to be updated?
Well, thanks in advance for any helpful answer …