Atmega timers, ... nirvana of headheck ?


My problem is very very very simple:

I run on a Atmega8 the compare match interruption on timer1.

Each time I run it I want to rerun it x timer impulsions later.

Thus, I want to do a kind of: {OCR1A += x;}

Of course it doesn’t work… :frowning:

The only thing that work is {TCNT1=0;OCR1A=x;}

BUT I do not want to reset timer1.

Maybe OCR1A cannot be read ?

Thus I create a unsigned short u16_OCR1A and I use it as:

{u16_OCR1A += x; OCR1A = u16_OCR1A;}

Doesn’t work. :frowning:

Maybe I HAVE to perform a timer1 reset.

{TCNT1=0; TCNT1=u16_OCR1A; u16_OCR1A+=x; OCR1A = u16_OCR1A;}

Doesn’t work. :frowning:

Of course I tried to disable and enable interruptions before and after running these lines. Guess the result: Doesn’t work. :frowning:

Whatever I try, I get burned by the Atmel. I should say ****** Atmel :frowning: .

What can I do ?

Here is my timer configuration (the ONLY one that behaves as expected):

On TCCR1B, only bits for prescaler

TCCR1A = 0;

ICR1 = 0xFFFF;

Thank you VERY much.


If it’s any consolation - I’ve worked with microprocessors for decades. The AVR is one of the best. If you want frustration due to a goofy architecture and paged memory banks, go fight with a PIC processor.

I’ll be glad to help you - if you could help me understand your goals…

Here’s a tid-bit from the mega8 data sheet. See if it says that you must write both the high and low bytes in a particular order…

The TCNT1, OCR1A/B, and ICR1 are 16-bit registers that can be accessed by the AVR

CPU via the 8-bit data bus. The 16-bit register must be byte accessed using two read or

write operations. The 16-bit timer has a single 8-bit register for temporary storing of the

High byte of the 16-bit access. The same temporary register is shared between all 16-bit

registers within the 16-bit timer. Accessing the Low byte triggers the 16-bit read or write

operation. When the Low byte of a 16-bit register is written by the CPU, the High byte

stored in the temporary register, and the Low byte written are both copied into the 16-bit

register in the same clock cycle. When the Low byte of a 16-bit register is read by the

CPU, the High byte of the 16-bit register is copied into the temporary register in the

same clock cycle as the Low byte is read.

Not all 16-bit accesses uses the temporary register for the High byte. Reading the

OCR1A/B 16-bit registers does not involve using the temporary register.

To do a 16-bit write, the High byte must be written before the Low byte. For a 16-bit

read, the Low byte must be read before the High byte.

The following code examples show how to access the 16-bit Timer Registers assuming

that no interrupts updates the temporary register. The same principle can be used

directly for accessing the OCR1A/B and ICR1 Registers. Note that when using “Câ€

Thank you very much for answering so quickly !

You are right, the problem might come from the way AVR compiler manages 16 bits registers in C code. Is there a way to view the assembly code generation by the compiler ?

I did assembly for ti89 long time ago on a 32 bits processor, 32 bits architectures are so confortable :wink: !

Who said I wanted to turn to PIC ? :lol: (ok ok, I did though about it :roll: )

Actually my goal is to generate PPM signals, made of short pulses. The information is in the time between each pulse.

||||___||_ etc

OutputUp(300 µs);

OutputDown(t1 µs);

OutputUp(300 µs);

OutputDown(t2 µs);

OutputUp(300 µs);

OutputDown(t3 µs);


But I need to keep CPU for other calculations.

Thus, I am using the comparision math interruption A on timer 1. Each time I run the interruption, I set the output to 0 or 1 and then I postpone the OCR1A to several µs later.

This should theorically work even if I do not reset timer1.

Thank you again :slight_smile:


Go to this site is really good and specific for AVRs.

to look at the assembly look at the .lst files

They should be easy to find if you are compiling with avr-gcc I think.