Atmega162 Serial Communication

I had a doubt regarding serial communication of Atmega 162

Can any one help please??

I have initialized the USART by setting bits in UCSRB and UCSRC and passed a value in UDR register…but not able to see anything on Serial port of my PC

I am using 8 bit frame with 1 stop bit.

I have written a simple code shown below.

Please help

#include <avr/io.h>

#include <util/delay.h>

#define F_CPU 10000000

#define BAUD 9600

#define UBRR ((F_CPU/16UL/BAUD)-1)

int main(void)


UBRR0H = (UBRR >>8);


UCSR0B = (0<<UCSZ02) | (1<<TXEN0);

UCSR0C = (1<<UCSZ01) | (1<<UCSZ00) | (1<<URSEL0) | (0<<UMSEL0) | (0<<USBS0);



UDR0 = 0X55;




why not start with a working example?

@stevech, Can you please suggest me any working example to start with??

First link on a Google search: … on-problem

I just searched your title…

It’s amazing how many people that don’t know how to search…

First link on a Google search: … on-problem

I just searched your title…

It’s amazing how many people that don’t know how to search…


Or appalling?

I used amazing to be somewhat respectful… But appalling would be a good one.