Atmega8 with sfe tutorial

Would you have to do anything differently in the “beginning embeded electronics” tutorial if im programming an atmega8 instead of a 168? I tried it , and it didn’t work. I changed the mcu to atmega8 in the makefile, but is there more i need to do?

I’m using a AVR-PG1 programmer

There are a lot of differences between the chips, see the data sheets. Code written for the Mega8 should run on the Mega168, but the reverse won’t be true in many cases.


would the makefile be the same besides the mcu setting?

I want to revive this topic

I bought ATmega8, since ATmega328 is unavailable on the day of my purchase. I will get *328 asap. But, for now I would really like to get *8 running. PLEASE HELP, because I am getting quite frustrating and discouraged.

I recently started this hobby, and like many others, I experience trouble when using the ATmega8 in the tutorial on SparkFun Beginner Tutorial 2 … ials_id=93

Thus far I couldn’t find any advice to solving the problem.

I use the AVR-PG1 Serial programmer as prescribed by

In the MakeFile I did insert

MCU = atmega8



Programmer’s Notepad report (which I assume means “successful”)

avrdude: Device signature = 0x1e9307

Process Exit Code: 0

PonyProg2000 says “Write Successful”

and can read the MCU successfully

On ATmega8 pins 7 and 20 there is 5V, 20mA

The LED does not blink. I have made sure my circuitry is correct. Like most of us do.

I have removed all the switches.

Put the 10K resistor on the ground.

nothing help

(the whole circuit is reset according to the tutorial)

Please help.

lots more help for a noob on forums