changing the chip form ATMEGA8-16PU to the ATMEGA168-20PU.

HI I bought the Arduino USB Board SKU#: DEV-00666 and i tryed changing the chip form ATMEGA8-16PU to the ATMEGA168-20PU.

I changed the option in the software under tools → microcontroler to the ATMEGA168-20PU connected the usb back in but it didnt work .

is there something else i need to do ? i put back in the ATMEGA8-16PU and changed the option back in the software and it worked fine with

the old chip ,please get back to me soon as passable, nearly finished an accelerometer project but need more space to program it .

Thanking you in advance Nigel G .

Did you program the atmega168? If you buy an arduino, the chip inside has been pre-programmer with the arduino firmware (basically, a serial bootloader). If you buy an atmega168, you need to program it, before it will work in an arduino. Since the arduino is not a programmer (it is capable only of programming chips that already have the serial bootloader program) you need an extra hardware.