Hello Sparkfun forum,
Have developed several light fixtures that use 12 volt auto backup LEDS to
light small spaces like closets and under cabinets that are activated by motion detectors.
Because the LEDs are 12volt and the ATtiny 85 used in the circuit
https://allenpitts.com/electronics/atti … 230720.jpgis 5 volt an IC called 7805 is used to knock the voltage down.
Last time I went to Mouser Electronics to buy some 7805 ICs
there was a notice 'This product is scheduled for obsolescence and soon will
no longer be manufactured.’
So a search has been done for linear voltage regulators , switching voltage regulators
which has brought up circuits called buck converters. And I remember long ago
and far away taking a class in DC circuits where a device called a voltage splitter
was a 12 v supply that has two resistors placed in series, 1500 ohms and 1100 ohms and
the voltage between the two resistor would be 5 volts.
https://ohmslawcalculator.com/voltage-d … calculator
If the 7805 is going into the rear view mirror, what is the best way to get from 12
to 5 volts. Efficiency is not paramount because we are not talking a large number
of amps but size and space are considerations.
Allen Pitts